The steps for developing personalized BreakVax vaccines
Using the latest technological advances to deliver a scalable and cost-effective method for personalized cancer vaccine development

1. Multi-omic Analysis

Using our AWS cloud-based pipeline and mass spectrometry analysis to identify candidate peptides. AWS provides enormous scalability to ensure we can obtain results quickly even in high volume workloads


2. Proprietary AI-vaccine design model

Using our AI platform which is trained per-patient to select the most immunogenic peptide targets for each patient. Our unique approach gives BreakVax vaccines an edge by offering a greater degree of personalization


3. Personalized Cancer Vaccine

Peptides manufactured per-patient means each patient gets exactly the right peptides at exactly the right doses. This optimization means more robust immune responses and better patient outcomes


4. Combine CRC Proven Drugs

We add FDA approved drugs to enhance the percentage of antigens that result in new T cells

What is the process for each patient?
